The https://delipal.ro/ website, hereinafter referred to as the "Website", uses cookies. The information presented below aims to provide users of the Website with more information about the placement, use and management of cookies used by the Website.

This policy refers to the cookies used by DELI CLOUD S.R.L. , a limited liability company, having its registered office in Brașov, 12 Traian Demetrescu Street, office 2, floor E, apartment 2, Brașov county, registered with the Brașov Trade Registry Office under no. J8/215/2022, sole registration code 45523018, through the Website.

What are cookies?

An "Internet Cookie" (term also known as "browser cookie" or "HTTP cookie" or simply "cookie") is a small file, consisting of letters and numbers, which will be stored on the computer, mobile terminal or other equipment used to access the Website. Cookies are installed through the request issued by a web-server to a browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and is completely passive - it does not contain software, viruses or spyware and cannot access information on your computer / mobile terminal / other equipment to access the Website.

Cookies provide the Website owner with important feedback on how visitors navigate the Website, so that this Website is more efficient and accessible.

What is the lifespan of cookies?

The lifespan of a cookie varies depending on the purpose for which it was placed, with the following categories of cookies:

  • Session cookies – these are temporarily stored in the cookie file of the web browser so that it memorizes them until the user leaves the respective website or closes the browser window (eg: at the time of connection / logging out on an email account, on a user account or on social networks).
  • Persistent / fixed cookies – they remain stored in the user's terminal until they reach a certain expiration date or until the respective cookies are deleted by the user, which can intervene at any time, through the browser settings.

Persistent cookies also include those placed by a website other than the one the user is currently visiting - known as third-party cookies - which can be used anonymously to remember a user's interests, so that the most relevant advertising is delivered to users.

What cookies are used by the Website, for what purpose and what is their lifespan?

frontend_langNecessary Stores information about your preferred website appearance or behavior, such as your preferred language or region.

Your experience may be degraded if you opt out of these cookies, but the website will continue to function.
1 year
session_idNecessary It authenticates users, protects user data, and allows the website to provide the services users expect, such as maintaining the contents of their shopping cart or allowing file uploads. 7 days
tzNecessaryDisplay the correct date/time to website visitors.Session duration
website_cookies_barOptionalUsed to control analytical cookies in the future1 year
im_livechat_historyNecessary Used to collect information about your interactions with the website 1 day

Social media plugins

The web pages allow the implementation of social buttons from a third party, which allow users to interact with the websites whose social buttons are implemented. The user's interaction with the social buttons from a third party allows the third party to collect some information about that user, including IP address, information about the browser used, etc. The site implements the following social buttons:

How can cookies be turned off?

Also, as a rule, an application used to access web pages allows cookies to be saved on the device by default. But, these settings can be changed in such a way that the automatic administration of cookies is blocked by the web browser or the user is informed every time cookies are sent to his/her device.

Detailed information about the possibilities and ways to manage cookies can be found in the settings area of the application or browser.

In the following we present links to pages regarding cookie settings according to the most used browsers:

For any additional questions about how cookies are used through the Website, you can contact us using the contact form on the Website.

Yours sincerely,
Deli Cloud Team