The https://delipal.ro/ domain is owned and managed by DELI CLOUD S.R.L. , a limited liability company, having its registered office in Brașov, Traian Demetrescu Street, no. 12, office 2, floor E, apartment 2, Brașov county, registered with the Brașov Trade Registry Office under no. J8/215/2022, sole registration code 45523018, hereinafter referred to as "the Company"

  1. Definitions

    In this document, the following terms will have, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following meaning:

    Account - means the section of the Website consisting of an e-mail address and a password that allows the User the right to order certain products / services made available by the Company. The User is responsible for and will ensure that all information entered when creating the Account is correct, complete and up-to-date.

    Content has the following definition:

    • all information on the Website that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed using an electronic device;
    • the content of any message/offer sent to Users by electronic means and/or any other available means of communication;
    • data relating to the Company.

    Website -https://delipal.ro/ domain

    User – natural person who has or obtains access to the Content, through any means of communication made available by the Company (electronic, telephone, etc.).

    Abusive use - represents the use of the Website in a way contrary to the practice in the field, the regulations and legislation in force or in any other way that may cause damage to the Provider or its affiliated companies.

  2. Accessing / visiting the Website
    1. This document establishes the terms and conditions of use of the Website and/or its Content by the User.
    2. By creating the page https://delipal.ro/ , the Company aims to inform Users about the services and products offered. The access and use of the Website by Users is conditioned by their compliance with this document and the applicable legal provisions. Using in any way, accessing, visiting and/or viewing the Content of the Website, implies the User's adherence to these "Terms and Conditions", unless the User has been informed that, for that content, separate conditions of use apply .
    3. The User is solely responsible for all activities arising from the use of the Website/its Content. The User shall be liable for the violation of this document and the use of the Website in violation of it, for the violation of the Company's rights and for any damages caused to the Website, its Content, the Company or any of its collaborators or contractual partners, regardless of the nature of the damages thus produced, being obliged to cover the entire damage thus caused. If the Company discovers irregularities and/or violations of any kind of the provisions of this document that lead to prejudice or disruption in any way to the Company's activity, the Company reserves the right, at its free choice, to cancel, limit, restrict, suspend or block the User's access to the Content. In this case, the User can contact the Company using the contact details indicated on the Website, in order to receive the necessary justifications in relation to the measures adopted for the purposes of this article and the date from which they were or will be applied.
    4. The User may withdraw its consent to the content of this document at any time it deems appropriate, by contacting the Company using the contact details indicated on the Website.
    5. The User will be able to revert at any time on the decision to withdraw the given acceptance, by expressing agreement regarding the content of the document, in the form applicable at that time.
    6. This Website is addressed to Users who are natural persons with a minimum age of 16 and Users who are legal entities, who have not been prohibited from accessing the Website, regardless of the reason representing the basis of that prohibition.
    7. Users of this Website are requested to read the terms and conditions of use carefully before visiting the Website. If they do not agree with them, Users will not continue visiting / using the Website. By continuing to visit / view / use the Website, Users express their explicit and unequivocal agreement with this document - "Terms and Conditions".
  3. Creating the Account
    1. In order to purchase certain products / services provided by the Company, Users must set up an Account by completing the form available on the Website.
    2. For the creation of the Account, the Company will ask the Users to confirm the reading and acknowledgment of the Privacy Policy regarding personal data protection, as well as the reading and acceptance of this document. User acceptance will be achieved by ticking the specific boxes, respectively:
      • I have read the privacy policy and I agree to the processing of my personal data as stated in the policy
      • I have read the terms and conditions of use of the Website.
    3. By ticking the box related to the privacy policy, Users understand that the Company has observed their right to be informed about their personal data processed by the Company, in accordance with the provisions of articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation.
  4. Account Protection
    1. User access to the Account is protected by a username and password. The Company recommends Users not to disclose their username and password to anyone and to exit the Account (i.e. by logging out) at the end of each user session.
    2. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their Account information and username/password. Users will be solely responsible for the use of the recording, regardless of whether the use was made with or without their consent. The Company shall not be liable for any moral or material damage caused by the Users' non-compliance with the data security measures used to access the Website.
  5. Copyright
    1. The content, as defined in the preamble, including but not limited to texts, logos, commercial symbols, static or dynamic images, multimedia content, programs, scripts and any other data presented on the Website is the exclusive property of the Company and is protected in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights.
    2. Copying, distributing, publishing, transferring to third parties, modifying or altering, using, linking to, displaying, including any content in any context other than the one originally intended by the Company, including any content outside the Website, removing signs signifying the right of the Company's copyright on the Content, as well as participating in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying or displaying the Content, without the express written consent of the Company, represents a violation of the Company's copyright and will entitle it to compensation payment from the persons at fault, as well as compensation for covering the entire damage caused to the Company. No Content transmitted to the User, by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by it by accessing, visiting and/or viewing does not give rise to a contractual obligation for the Company or the employee who mediated the transfer of content.
    3. Any kind of information transmitted by the User to the Company through the Website, other than the User's personal data, gives the Company the non-exclusive, unlimited, free, irrevocable and retransmittable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, as well as the right to distribute, through any media, anywhere this information.
  6. Final provisions
    1. Within the limits of the provisions of this document, the Company will not be held liable for any errors that appear on the Website, regardless of the cause, including but not limited to changes, settings, etc., which are not made by the Website administrator . The Company is not responsible for damages caused as a result of the complete or partial non-functioning of the Website, nor for those resulting from the impossibility of accessing certain links published on the Website. At the same time, the Company will not be responsible for the content and/or quality of other websites that can be reached through various links with the Company's Website. For the respective websites, the full responsibility will fall to the owners of the respective websites.
    2. This Document, its content, the Website as well as any conflict that may arise between the User and the Company will be interpreted in accordance with the Romanian legislation. All disputes will first be resolved amicably by mutual agreement. If this is not possible, the conflict will be resolved by the competent court.
    3. If any provision of this document is declared null or unenforceable by a court, arbitral tribunal or any other competent authority, the other provisions will remain in effect. The null or unenforceable provision will be eliminated, and the Parties will make all efforts so that the null or unenforceable provision is replaced by a valid and enforceable provision, which will have, as far as possible, the economic effects of the null or unenforceable provision.
    4. The Company reserves the right to unilaterally modify the Website/its structure and/or the Content, whenever it deems appropriate, without the prior notification and/or consent of the User, as well as to introduce advertising banners of any nature and/or links on any page of the Website, in compliance with the legislation in force.